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Writer's pictureMaida Barrientos

9 Tasks You Can Complete in 2023 to Become a Front-End Master

A rundown of practical project suggestions for front-end developers to sharpen their abilities.

In recent years, frontend web development has grown in popularity. There is an ever-growing need for skilled front-end web developers. Nowadays, there are more positions available in the web development sector.

Because of this, many people today decide to become frontend developers for a variety of reasons. But in order to become a good developer, you must constantly create projects in addition to learning new concepts and languages.

You must therefore constantly put what you have learned into practice if you want to improve your skills. Building projects is crucial, particularly if you're a novice developer.

You can build your portfolio and establish yourself as a valuable developer by taking on projects. Your career would advance and doors would open for you if you had that in your portfolio.

Additionally, creating new projects is another effective way to escape tutorial hell. Therefore, you can save time by working on some projects rather than watching tutorials for extended periods of time.

I'll give you a list of awesome projects to build in this article so you can hone your front-end development abilities. So let's get started right away.

1. A good-looking brochure website

Being able to transform any kind of design into a usable webpage is one of the crucial skills a front-end developer must possess.

Practice is the only way to get good at that. You can learn all of this and hone your skills by creating a static brochure website.

A website used as a brochure can be anything, including a personal website, a company landing page, or a newsletter landing page. To turn any mockup into a webpage, all you need are solid skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Examples of a brochure websites:

  1. Agency website.

  2. Restaurant website.

  3. Portfolio website.

  4. A landing page for a business.

Skills you will need:

  1. HTML.

  2. CSS.

  3. Responsive web design.

  4. JavaScript.

  5. An eye for design.

Have a look at the project example below:

2. A simple web application using an API

Another good project that you can add to your portfolio as a front-end developer is any kind of web application that uses an API. Nowadays, there are a lot of awesome APIs that you can use in order to build a web application.

This project will prove that you can easily work with third-party APIs. So simply, you will create a small web app that consumes an external API. This could be any type of web apps such as a movie app, a weather app, or a meme generator app for example.

Here is an example of a weather app where you can search for cities and check the weather situation:

weather app using JavaScript

Weather app(captured by the author).

And you have the choice to use a framework or just to use vanilla JavaScript. The goal is that you can build a website that displays API data or does some operations.

Some examples of a small web application using an API:

  1. Weather app.

  2. Job search app.

  3. Movies app.

  4. Memes generator app.

The skills you will need:

  1. HTML.

  2. CSS.

  3. JavaScript.

  4. Axios(for fetching data from an API).

  5. React/Vue(optional).

3. An e-commerce shopping cart

This project is all about building a cool shopping cart with some good functionality. Simply, you will need to create an eCommerce shopping cart that has the functionality below:

  1. Ability to add products to the cart.

  2. Ability to view all the products added to the cart.

  3. Ability to remove products from the cart.

  4. And the ability to calculate all the prices.

shopping cart

Shopping cart(captured by the author).

The use of the shopping cart is useful on eCommerce websites and online stores. All you need to create is a clean store front-end interface with some functionality, of course.

Skills you will need:

  1. HTML.

  2. CSS.

  3. JavaScript.

  4. React/Vue.

4. Your personal portfolio

Now that you have some simple projects, the next step is to create your personal portfolio website.

personal portfolio

Capture by the author from Dopefolio.

The website needs to look clean and visually appealing. Make sure you follow all the web design best practices. So your portfolio needs to represent you in a good way.

It should contain an about page that talks about you, a contact page where people can contact you, and a projects page to showcase all your previous projects. And also the home page should look clean and nicely designed.

5. Build your own blog

As a front-end web developer, you should really have a blog website. There are a lot of good reasons to have a blog as a developer.

By building your own blog using the skills you have learned, you can write articles and share knowledge with other developers. In addition to that, you can also document your journey and market yourself as a developer in the industry.

A blog website is a good way to get yourself in front of recruiters and get more opportunities for your developer career. Moreover, if you take a blog seriously, you can have a solid presence on the internet.

So this is a great project to build as it will allow you to share knowledge and have an additional project to your portfolio.

So how can you build your own blog website? Well, the best way is to use a static site generator like Gridsome or Gatsby if you’re using Vue or React.

It will make it simple for you to create a website where you can quickly post blog posts. You could make your blog so much more performant and blazing-fast if you use a static site generator over WordPress.

Tools and skills you could use:

  1. HTML.

  2. CSS.

  3. JavaScript.

  4. React.

  5. Next.js.

  6. MDX.

  7. Static site generation.


So as you can see above, this was a small list of some projects that you should build to improve your skills as a developer. Because projects are very important if you want to become a good developer.

You can only improve your coding skills if you build stuff. Watching tutorials without building anything is always not a good idea.

Source :

The other option is to hire designers at a more affordable rate. There are many companies out there that offer web design services at an affordable price.

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