Installing Expect on WHM/CENTOS
This is an installation procedure that would work on 5.6 PHP. Not sure if it would work on higher PHPs.
Go to SSH/putty or whatever you use and install these dependencies.
Install PHP and its Development Framework
yum install php php-devel php-common
2. Install php-pear (PHP Extension and Application Repository)
yum install php-pear
To verify whether pear is installed properly or not, type command pear, there you will get
list of command like discover-channel, upgrade,upgrade-all,if pear is successfully installed.
3. Install Tool command language (TCL) and TK, required for expect package
yum install tcl tcl-devel tk tk-devel
4. Install Expect package required for php-expect
yum install expect expect-devel
5. Install php-expect using pecl
pecl install expect
sometimes it may give error regarding channel,then use the path mentioned in suggestion like
After successful installation of expect package, add the following line under extension in
php.ini file (this will also be shown after successful installation of expect function)
extension =