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The Best Online Video Maker for Digital Marketers

Writer's picture: Maida BarrientosMaida Barrientos

Want to know how to create professional content videos that are capable of generating millions of views and snatching easy front page rankings? If so, you need to check out this new video system called “Content Samurai”…

I guarantee you’ve never seen anything like this before… Mark my words, it’s going to completely change the way you do digital marketing forever. Why? As you know video is now critical for just about every aspect of digital marketing today… However, because creating videos has always been a laborious, expensive and highly technical process, in the past it’s really only been available to big businesses with BIG budgets. But finally that’s all changed… Because Content Samurai’s revolutionary new video creation system is SO EASY to use, generating tons of professional videos that produce an avalanche of traffic is now anyone’s game… And it’s fast, REALLY FAST… So, if you want the ultimate shortcut to start killing it with video, do yourself a favour and check out Content Samurai out now… And best of all, it’s totally free to get started!

You can get free access here: You can thank me later ?

The Problem with SEO I know what you’re feeling: There’s nothing more frustrating than spending days, weeks and even months waiting for your SEO efforts to finally pay off. Only to then realize… all of your hard work didn’t get you any actual results. Just a few visitors here and there, but nothing really exciting or consistent. Let’s face it: SEO is getting harder or it is simply not working for you anymore.

  1. It takes you a lot of time – which is precisely what you don’t have a bunch of.

  2. It cost you money – whether if you need to hire an internet marketing consultant, a SEO agency or if we’re talking about the money you’re not making.

  3. It doesn’t offer guaranteed consistent results – and you’re only going to be able gauge them much later down the road.

  4. You can easily lose your hard earned Google rankings, if you don’t do it right.

  5. Your SEO work is never actually finished. The problem with SEO is that Google is an ever-changing machine; with each update it becomes more demanding for sites that aim to rank high. Simply put, things are not as easy as it used to be. Here’s why:

  6. Like I’ve just said, Google has become more clever than ever before.

  7. New websites take longer to be indexed and ranked due to Google’s algorithm updates.

  8. You can’t game the system like before.

  9. If you do, chances are you’ll be penalized and get your online business sent to its grave. Besides… for the first time in History, Google is seeing a decline. How come? People are spending a lot more of their online time on social sites like Facebook and YouTube. That’s why Google now favors user-interaction ( or “user engagement” in social media marketing terms) as one of its multiple ranking factors. If you think things are hard as it is, they are only going to get even tougher.

The Power of Doing Video Marketing Today Video marketing is a type of content marketing; an internet marketing technique in which individuals or businesses (small or big) create short videos about their brands, products, services or other specific topics. After they’re finished, the videos are uploaded to video sharing websites like YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo (or even Facebook) for distribution and exposure on those social platforms. Those videos can also be hosted on your web server and embed on web pages for additional exposure.

Quick Video Marketing Stats

  1. 64% of marketers say video will take the major half of their strategies very soon, according to Nielsen.

  2. 69% is the amount of consumer internet traffic that video content will account for in the near future, told Cisco.

  3. 70% of marketers interviewed for a Vidyard’s report say that video gets them higher conversions than any other type of content.

  4. 73% of U.S. adults are more likely to purchase a product or service after watching an online video explaining it.

  5. Videos attract 300% more traffic than any other kind of content. (I should know better, I run a viral videos website!)

  6. Two times more in only four years in US digital video ad spending is the prediction an eMarketer research made. But wait… there’s more!

  7. Video has a high level of shareability. Videos posted on Facebook are usually shared two times more than articles or images.

  8. One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words, James McQuivey (Ph.D. & VP Analyst at Forrester Research) calculated. It would take that insane amount of words to convey the same richness of information and emotional connection with a viewer using just plain text than what can be achieved from just one minute of video.

  9. One billion unique visitors, is what YouTube gets every month. Way more than any other channel, excluding Facebook.

  10. That amount of traffic has already turned YouTube into the #2 most used search engine after Google. Just imagine the possibilities…

How Video Marketing Can Help You For websites, blogs, online and small businesses, it’s crucial to offer easy to digest content. This is where video comes in. I’ve already shown you how video marketing can be such a powerful tool. If you combine images and words in a video you can tell your story in a creative and engaging way. Your message will be communicated much better and faster than with written content. I know just what you’re thinking: «Video marketing is out of the grasp of many small businesses…» Well… think again! You don’t need a big production or to spend money hiring a professional videographer. If you own a smartphone, tablet or webcam you already have everything you need to create a great marketing video. Just a one-minute video showing your passion for your business or company can do wonders! It might even become your best customer acquisition tool. Are you worried about big competitors? You don’t have to. Individuals are winning the race to get public’s attention against big players with large budgets. You just need to show who you are, why your business is unique and what drives you to be better. Put yourself and your personality front and center and you’ll get people’s attention and interest. That’s precisely what this is all about: «Marketing is a contest for people’s attention», says entrepreneur and author Seth Godin. Video marketing is the latest trend in online marketing. This is why: Video can convey messages faster and more efficiently than any other kind of content. I’m not talking about viral videos here. Simple and to the point videos that get you closer to your audience and introduce your brand is all you need to come up with. Video marketing can bring in lots of benefits for your small business:

  1. It helps building your brand, beginning with increasing brand’s trust and awareness.

  2. It helps engaging prospective customers. Video is naturally engaging, people will know you better and feel more inclined to buy from you.

  3. It helps improving your site’s… SEO! Lower bounce rates, more time on site, Google ranks pages with videos higher (thus you’ll get more visitors)

  4. It improves your email marketing campaigns. Link to or embed a video in an email to increase your open and click-through rates and reducing your unsubscribe rates.

  5. It helps with your conversions. Pages that include videos acquire more leads. Now that I’ve shared with you all of this important information, it’s time to get back to my Content Samurai review.

How to Use Content Samurai Like I told you already, you can create great videos even if your budget is low and you can’t afford a professional videographer. You don’t even have to use (or learn how to use) a complicated and expensive video editing software. With Noble Samurai’s awesome video tool all it takes is just a few simple steps.

  1. Login to your video creation are and click the “Create A New Video” green button.

  1. The tool uses a step-by-step approach, go to the Script section (you can see the other options on the left sidebar menu) and paste or write your video title and script.

  1. If you want, you can search for and pick an image from their giant picture gallery (over 112 million royalty free images available) or choose one from your computer.

  1. Add videos captured with your smartphone, tablet, camera or webcam, if you want.

  1. Record your video’s audio one slide at a time. This greatly eliminates the frustrating process of re-recording entire videos whenever you don’t like how it sounds or make a mistake.

  1. Add a background soundtrack.

  2. Click ‘Generate Your Video’ to conclude.

  3. When the process is over, click ‘Download Your Video’.

  4. Upload it to YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook or your own server.

Who’s Behind this Online Video Creator Tool? Content Samurai was created by Noble Samurai, an Australian software company that develops cutting edge applications and innovation software to help internet marketers maximize their online marketing success. The company is built on top of years and years of Internet Marketing experience and has already produced household names like Market Samurai (a keyword research tool) and Scarcity Samurai (a conversion booster WordPress plugin).

Who Is It For? The newest addition to the Noble Samurai portfolio is meant to be used by all of those that are looking for an easy to use video creator tool for video marketing purposes. That includes:

  1. Small business owners.

  2. Internet marketers.

  3. Affiliate marketers.

  4. Niche marketers.

  5. Email marketers.

  6. Social marketers.

  7. Content marketers.

  8. Video sales letter marketers.

  9. YouTube channel owners.

  10. Facebook page owners.

  11. SEO experts trying to capture more traffic from Google and YouTube.

  12. SEO agencies.

What Kind of Support Is Available? I’ve already used the support available at Noble Samurai. I contacted them via email and their response was fairly quick (I’m on a different time zone) and very nice. I concluded there was no issue at all with their tool — it was just a “bad user” error. (I even told them a computer joke to excuse my lameness and they found it funny or… they just pretended my joke was good to be nice and polite to me.)

What Are Content Samurai’s Pros? Content Samurai is definitely a great tool for video marketing. It clearly has a lot of advantages. Here are a few of them:

  1. Simple to use.

  2. Intuitive and task-oriented interface.

  3. You don’t need prior editing experience to work it with.

  4. Drag and point-&-click quick actions to make it work.

  5. It’s an online tool. No download or software installation required.

  6. The previous point means you can use it on any computer (Windows, Mac OS or Linux).

  7. With just a few clicks and a few minutes you can have your video ready to be uploaded to YouTube, Facebook or your own server.

  8. You can create your own themes. You can add your own logos and brand watermarks, include cool background images and different textures as well as personalizing the fonts and colors easily (just a few clicks of the mouse) to make even more professional-looking videos and match your company’s / site’s style and look.

What Are Its Cons? In spite of the Noble Samurai team being constantly trying to improve their tools, as with any software tool, nothing is pure perfection. Here are Content Samurai’s cons:

  1. Overly priced for those on a low budget or just starting out — luckily, at times, there are huge discount offers and even free trial periods going on like these.

  2. It’s a fairly recent tool. Which means it has a lot to be improved (but also huge growth potential).

How Much Does It Cost? This video maker tool will cost you a monthly fee of $47. (But, wait… they’re running a discount offer!) It might seem too much (and it is, if you’re just starting out), but if you look at it as an investment that has great potential to return dividends, rankings and help build your brand, it will be totally worth it. In the internet marketing business, we all need to put some money in — I’m not talking about crazy figures here — before starting to earn a lot more and get our investment back. Sometimes though, there are discount offers going on during special events or dates that lower its price substantially (and that discount price goes on for as long as you keep your monthly subscription) and even free trial periods that allow you to try out the tool (and keep any videos you create) without spending any money. Just check the section below to learn more!

My Opinion & Verdict Content Samurai is one of the best video tools you can use easily without any prior video editing experience that is sure going to help you get rankings, views and much more traffic to your website or online business. Its biggest con is its price but, as I said, it’s an investment we all have to do to make our online businesses grow and make more money online. Being an online tool makes it very handy and you can use it from anywhere to produce a quick video and have people viewing and getting to know you and your brand better in under 15 minutes. My verdict is quite positive: it gets a 4.5 score out of 5. With this tool video marketing for small businesses becomes much more acessible and affordable. I recommend Content Samurai for your video marketing campaigns.

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