When I first start a niche website, I’m not usually going to pick a particular monetization strategy until I pick a niche and keyword. Sometimes, I’ll think that I would like to build an email list and monetize that list with affiliate marketing offers or my own products.
However, this is not set in stone, and could change as I pick my niche OR as I test different strategies on the same site.
As you contemplate how you should make money from your new niche site, I will show how many options are out there.
First, I’m going to list the general ways to monetize (categories like CPA, contextual ads, etc) and then I’ll number off the specific networks or options within each of those general categories.
Below I will share the 53 different ways that you can make money from your website.
Pay Per Click Contextual Ad Networks
Pay per click ad networks literally pay you when someone clicks an ad on your website; whether or not they go and buy anything. This a great way to start making money online, from your website. Most of these are extremely easy to add to your website as well.
You just sign up and get approved, then copy and paste a short snippet of code onto your website.
These are networks like Google Adsense that have ads displayed based on the content of your site. Typically you will get paid per click from these types of contextual networks. Here are a few (there are likely many many more):
1. Google Adsense
If you want to learn how to apply to Google Adsense and get approved, I have a step by step guide. Most good looking websites should have no problem getting an Adsense account. This is a personal favorite of mine for it’s ease of implementation and relatively passive income for someone just getting started.
Here’s an example of a Google Adsense ad:
2. Media.net
Media.net handles all the ads for Bing, Yahoo, and many other advertisers. I’ve had a few people claim that they are able to make more money online with Media.net than Google Adsense.
Here’s an example of what Media.net looks like.
3. Infolinks
5. GumGum (In-image ads)
6. Chitika
7. Clicksor.com (both eCPM and pay per click).
8. Pulse360
Key Takeaway: Don’t always assume Adsense is your best option. I personally am enjoying using Ezoic display ads. You can try Ezoic ads right here.
In reality, there are many more pay per click networks that you can use. However, these are some of the top options.
CPM Advertising Networks Rather than paying on a per click basis, these ad networks pay on a per view basis (usually a dollar amount based on 1000 pageviews). Most of these networks require that you have a large visitor base to be approved to their network; therefore most of these won’t work for a smaller niche sites.
Your ability to get into these advertising opportunities typically depends on how many pageviews your website is generating.
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Simple yet effective internal links reporting: what has lots of links and what pages need more links? So, if you have a website that is getting tons of traffic from Pinterest for example, you can monetize that traffic through some of the below CPM networks.